Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences
[International Peer Reviewed]


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Abstract                                                                                            [Full-Text PDF] [Macedonian Abstract] [OnlineFirst Full-Text PDF]


Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences. 2010 Dec 15; 3(4):403-404.


Book Review


Zdravko Trojachanec. Vibroacoustic Microwave Therapy. Skopje: Trojachanec; 2010. 163 pages; ISBN 978-9989-4-9

Marija Sholjakova

Clinic of Anesthesiology, Reanimation and Intensive Care, Faculty of Medicine, University “Ss Kiril and Metodij”, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia


Purpose. The book “Vibroacoustic Microwave Therapy” is the latest work of Prof. Dr. Zdravko Trojachanec, who is the founder of sports medicine in the Republic of Macedonia. As a professor with a long life experience at the Physiology Department, the author is an expert at physiological processes in the human organism, especially those which refer to the changes in a cell. The book is a distinctive physiological insight into cell processes due to vibroacoustics, and the effect that they produce upon the cell.

Content. The author names the cell’s need for vibroacoustic exposure as the fourth body resource. The topic of vibroacoustics is a very subtle issue, and the author manages to introduce the topic of acoustic waves’ effects, and their implementation in the medicine in a chronological way throughout several chapters. The book comprises 160 pages illustrated with twelve images.

Conclusion. In conclusion, I take an opportunity as a reviewer, to recommend the book to the medical audience. The book is dedicated to all medical profiles to whom I warmly recommend it.


Key words: Vibroacoustic microwave therapy; sports medicine; book review.


Publication of the MJMS is supported by the Macedonian Ministry of Education and Sciences. Publisher: Institute of Immunobiology and Human GeneticsSkopje, Republic of Macedonia.

This journal is a member of and subscribes to the principles of the Committee on Publication Ethics.

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