Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences
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Abstract                                                                         [Full-Text PDF] [Macedonian Abstract] [OnlineFirst Full-Text PDF]


Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences. 2009 Jun 15; 2(2):107-114.


Medical Informatics


Déjà vu - A Report of Highly Similar Citations in the Biomedical Scientific Literature from the Republic of Macedonia

Mirko Spiroski

Institute of Immunobiology and Human Genetics, Faculty of Medicine, University "St. Kiril and Metodij", Skopje, Republic of Macedonia


Background. Plagiarism and repeated publications of the same data are considered unacceptable practices, but they are not recognized and sanctioned in Macedonian biomedical journals.

Aim. The aim of this report was to search highly similar citation in scientific literature from the Republic of Macedonia, to suggest verification of the papers, and to educate authors for the need of implementation of ethical standards in publication.

Material and methods. We analyzed Déjà vu content by category, statistics by countries, and searched Déjà vu database to identify highly similar citation pairs (entries) from Republic of Macedonia (March 24, 2009).

Results. Ten (10) computationally identified highly similar citation pairs are identified from Macedonia written in English (except ID 35293 with earlier article in Macedonian, and ID 71031 with later article in Serbo-Croatian). Six highly similar citation pairs share author and four did not share author. All highly similar citations from Macedonia are unverified. One of the highly similar citation pair published update of the investigation, four are from the same author with very similar or identical results, one published results in two different groups of patients, and four published very similar content of the abstracts, but with different authors. Most of the highly similar citation pairs (3/10) from Macedonian biomedical scientists are published in Prilozi (MANU, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia).

Conclusion. Macedonian biomedical journals should verify highly similar citation pairs and take appropriate ethical actions for solving them.


Key words: Macedonian medical journals; Scientific papers; Déjà vu database; Highly similar citation; Republic of Macedonia.


Publication of the MJMS is supported by the Macedonian Ministry of Education and Sciences.
Institute of Immunobiology and Human GeneticsSkopje, Republic of Macedonia.
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