Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences
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Abstract                                                                         [Full-Text PDF] [Macedonian Abstract] [OnlineFirst Full-Text PDF]


Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences. 2008 Sep 15; 1(1):13-17.




Macedonian Biomedical Scientists Are Not Adequately Represented in BiomedExperts Database


Mirko Spiroski

Institute of Immunobiology and Human Genetics, Faculty of Medicine, University "Ss Kiril and Metodij", Skopje, Republic of Macedonia


Aim. The aim of this study was to analyze publication activity of Macedonian biomedical scientists reported in BioMedExperts and to propose improvements and corrections in order to present Macedonian science more objectively.

Material and methods. For this investigation BiomedExperts database was searched for scientific experts in a total of 145 countries, as well as scientific profiles originating from Republic of Macedonia (June 17, 2008). Affiliation in Macedonia concerned number and %, first authors, middle authors, last authors and co-authors were analyzed.

Results. Macedonian authors with 410 papers contribute with 0.006% in the BiomedExperts. All neighboring countries, except Albania (0.001%), have higher percentage of scientific papers in BiomedExperts: Greece (0.468%), Serbia (0.111%), and Bulgaria (0.092%). We can see that only 54 scientists are presented under the name of Republic of Macedonia. They published 825 scientific papers, from which 580 are affiliated with the Republic of Macedonia (70.3%). Most of the Macedonian biomedical scientific authors (7.50) are middle authors, much less are first authors (4.06) and the rest of the authors are last authors (3.72). Macedonian biomedical scientists in average have 14.69 co-authors in their scientific papers.

Conclusion. Macedonian biomedical scientists are not adequately represented in BiomedExperts database and scientists are encouraged to register, log in, and correct personal profiles.


Key words: Macedonian biomedical scientists; scientific social network; scientific database; bibliometrics; Republic of Macedonia.


Publication of the MJMS is supported by the Macedonian Ministry of Education and Sciences.
Institute of Immunobiology and Human GeneticsSkopje, Republic of Macedonia.
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